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Protect data endpoint

When receiving a request for data. You should perform the proper token validation and variable authorization to identify if the requester rightfully has access to claimed resource.

Validate Feide token

  1. Extract JSON Web Token (JWT) from the HTTP request's Authorization header using Bearer schema.
  2. Locate the public key needed for decoding the token by visiting and look for property jwks_uri.
  3. Extract the public key found in the JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) URL from the previous step.
  4. Verify that the JWK's key identifier (kid) is the same as the received token's kid.
  5. Decode the received token using public key, expected audience (being your datasource's identifier) and RS256 algorithm.
  6. Validate token. See the JSON Web Token (JWT) Profile for OAuth 2.0 Access Tokens for full details about JWT access token validation.
    1. Ensure iss has to be
    2. Ensure aud contains your datasource's identifier.
    3. Ensure current time is in the interval between the iat and exp timestamps.

Data authorization

  1. Having validated the Feide token you should extract subject identifier sub in the token.
  2. Make a GET request to{SUBJECT_ID}/{DATASOURCE_ID} with parameters SUBJECT_ID from previous step and DATASOURCE_ID being your known datasource identifier from Kundeportalen.
  3. In the response, extract the token from the property authroizations.
  4. Validate KUDAF token
    1. Extract JSON Web Token (JWT) from the HTTP request's Authorization header using Bearer schema.
    2. Locate the public key needed for decoding the token by visiting and look for property jwks_uri.
    3. Extract the public key found in the JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) URL from the previous step.
    4. Verify that the JWK's key identifier (kid) is the same as the received token's kid.
    5. Decode the received token using public key, expected audience (being your datasource's identifier) and RS256 algorithm.
    6. Validate token. See the JSON Web Token (JWT) Profile for OAuth 2.0 Access Tokens for full details about JWT access token validation.
      1. Ensure iss has to be
      2. Ensure aud contains your datasource's identifier.
      3. Ensure current time is in the interval between the iat and exp timestamps.
  5. Decode the token and map out the array of variables inside the datasource property.
  6. Authorize access to data based on permitted variables from previous step.