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Describe data as metadata

To use KUDAF you have to describe your data as metadata. This page describes how to do this.


In this section we will explain the thought process of generating metadata from some raw data.

Say we have some raw data that describes a vehicle's history of color change. This data is represented in the table below:

IDTypeColorColor start dateColor stop date

A good starting point to generate metadata is to examine the data to discover potential individual metadata variables.

We can think of each column in this table as a potential variable:

  • ID
  • Type
  • Color
  • Color start date
  • Color stop date

A variable can either be an identifier variable or a measure variable. We need to distinguish which of the listed potential variables are of each type.

Let us start by defining the identifier variable first.

Identifier variable

A identifier variable is a description of the identifier column of the table. By going through the rows in the table we can see that the "ID" column uniquely identifies a vehicle. We can see in the first row the unicycle identified by ID=1 starts with a red color for a period. Then in the second row we can see the same unicycle changed its color from red to blue because it had a paint job. Lastly, the third row describes the vehicle color for a different vehicle.

Now that we have discovered the identifier variable we can start to describe it. The identifier variable description should contain a unit type and the identifier column name. Already we know that column name is "ID". Lastly, we need to figure out the unit type. The unit type is what type of unit the variables describes. By looking at all of the columns we can determine that this table describes vehicles, so we will define our unit type for this dataset as "Vehicle".

Using all the information we can start with creating a JSON object to represent our identifier variable as shown below.

"identifierVariables": [
"name": "ID",
"label": "Vehicle identifier",
"keyType": {
"name": "Vehicle",
"label": "Vehicle"

In the JSON object we have used the field "name" to refer to the column name in the table, while the label is a description of the same, but can be changed to be more legible in user interfaces.

Measure variable

By looking at the remaining potential variables we can assume that the rest are measure variables:

  • Type
  • Color
  • Color start date
  • Color stop date

We can start by defining the column "Type" as a measure variable JSON object shown below.

"identifierVariables": [
"name": "ID",
"label": "Vehicle identifier",
"keyType": {
"name": "Vehicle",
"label": "Vehicle"
"measureVariable": {
"name": "Type",
"label": "Vehicle type"

Measure variables have a temporality type, so the next step is to identify this.


Temporality is a state of time, and the possible temporality types are these:

  • FIXED - data that do not change over time
  • EVENT - data that may vary over time
  • STATUS - data of specific points in time, that do not describe what happens between the points in time
  • ACCUMULATED – a sum of periodically recorded data from an entire period

By investigating the first variable type we can assume that the type of a vehicle will likely not change. When looking at the small table we can confirm this and see that it does not change making this variable a good candidate for the temporality type FIXED.

We can therefore add the field "temporality" to our JSON object and give it the value "FIXED", which is shown below.

"identifierVariables": [
"name": "ID",
"label": "Vehicle identifier",
"keyType": {
"name": "Vehicle",
"label": "Vehicle"
"measureVariable": {
"name": "Type",
"label": "Vehicle type"
"temporality": "FIXED"

We have now successfully generated the variable "Type". So let us take a look at "Color" next.

We start by wrapping our JSON object in an array since we are now introducing a new element. In this new JSON object we have reused the identifier variable object we previously created since the "Color" variable also has the same identifier variable. Then we create a measure variable object with name and label that fits the "Color" variable.

"identifierVariables": [
"name": "ID",
"label": "Vehicle identifier",
"keyType": {
"name": "Vehicle",
"label": "Vehicle"
"measureVariable": {
"name": "Type",
"label": "Vehicle type"
"temporality": "FIXED"
"identifierVariables": [
"name": "ID",
"label": "Vehicle identifier",
"keyType": {
"name": "Vehicle",
"label": "Vehicle"
"measureVariable": {
"name": "Color",
"label": "Vehicle color"

We have most of the basics defined, now we can take a look at temporality. Taking "Colo start date" and "Color stop date" into account, we see that "Color" data changes over time. This means that this is a good candidate for the temporality type "Event". We can also identify that the time points in "Color start date" and "Color stop date" are coherent which excludes it from being of temporality type STATUS.

Since we have identified this variable to be the temporality type EVENT, we simply create a "temporality" field within our JSON object and gives it the value "EVENT", as shown below.

"identifierVariables": [
"name": "ID",
"label": "Vehicle identifier",
"keyType": {
"name": "Vehicle",
"label": "Vehicle"
"measureVariable": {
"name": "Type",
"label": "Vehicle type"
"temporality": "FIXED"
"identifierVariables": [
"name": "ID",
"label": "Vehicle identifier",
"keyType": {
"name": "Vehicle",
"label": "Vehicle"
"measureVariable": {
"name": "Color",
"label": "Vehicle color"
"temporality": "EVENT"

In cases where we have an EVENT temporality type, the "Color start date" and "Color stop date" must be included as attribute variables within the measure variable of "Color".

Attribute variable

An attribute variable describes temporal attributes of data and is optional because variables with temporality type FIXED has no relation to time.

Depending on the temporality type of the variable:

  • FIXED - (i.e. time-invariant) we do not include this.
  • ACCUMULATED - we would typically include two attribute variables: START and STOP. If only one is included, that would mean:
    • All data until the given stop time if only STOP is included, and since the earliest available data.
    • All data since the given start time if only START is included, and up until the latest available data.
  • STATUS - we always DO include TWO attribute variables: START and STOP, with THE SAME dates.
  • EVENT - we DO include ONE or TWO attribute variables, depending on how we want to characterize the event in question. It could be: START and STOP dates/times, or INSTANT

We then add JSON object describing the attribute variables to our variable, as shown below.

"identifierVariables": [
"name": "ID",
"label": "Vehicle identifier",
"keyType": {
"name": "Vehicle",
"label": "Vehicle"
"measureVariable": {
"name": "Type",
"label": "Vehicle type"
"temporality": "FIXED"
"identifierVariables": [
"name": "ID",
"label": "Vehicle identifier",
"keyType": {
"name": "Vehicle",
"label": "Vehicle"
"measureVariable": {
"name": "Color",
"label": "Vehicle color"
"temporality": "EVENT",
"attributeVariables": [
"label": "Color start date",
"name": "Start"
"label": "Color stop date",
"name": "Stop"

By now you should have good starting point to continue this guide and enrich you current variables with more required fields.

Metadata as Single-Variable Dataset

Metadata in KUDAF are described as a Single-Variable Dataset. For more information about the standard go here.

The JSON object below illustrates such a variable:

"datasource_name": "sikt",
"populationDescription": {...},
"subjectFields": [...],
"temporalCoverage": {...},
"temporality": "ACCUMULATED",
"globalTemporalCoverage": {...},
"temporalStatusDates": null,
"updatedAt": "2022-09-13T09:31:22",
"attributeVariables": [...],
"identifierVariables": [...],
"measureVariable": {...}

Description of fields in the schema above:

  • name: Name of the variable which adhere to naming guidelines.
  • temporalityType: The temporality type which must be one of FIXED, ACCUMULATED, STATUS or EVENT.
  • populationDescription: Description of the population described
  • spatialCoverageDescription: Description of the spatial distribution
  • sensitivityLevel: The sensitivity type which must be one of PERSON_GENERAL, PERSON_SPECIAL, PUBLIC, NONPUBLIC.
  • identifierVariables: A list containing unique identifier(s) (like a primary key in a database). This is what allows us to associate the measured value with a unit of measure. The data structure is described in this section.
  • measureVariable: Describe(s) what is measured. The data structure is described in this section.
  • attributeVariables: An optional list containing elements which describe the relationship to time, i.e. the EVENT PERIOD. It's optional because it depends on the Temporality Type, and the FIXED type is time-invariant. The data structure is described in this section.

The Measure, Attribute and Identifier Variables data structures are explained in more detail below.

Variable naming guidelines

The name of a Variable should:

  • Describe what is measured
  • Consist of a single string in capital letters, made up of keywords separated by underscores (_).
  • In line with the KUDAF objective to maximize data-sharing potential, it would be preferable to write the keywords in English.
  • It must be the same as the name of the Measure Variable data structure within |the Variable.
  • The name must be UNIQUE.

How to structure keywords in the name using contained information in the variable:

  • The 1st keyword (before the first underscore) is a shortened alias from your data source identifier. Examples:
    • Feide public API: "FEIDEAPI"
    • Feide Statistics database: "FEIDESTATS"
    • Lånekassen: "LK"
  • The 2nd keyword (or group of keywords) should summarize what is measured. Examples:
    • School names: "SCHOOL_NAMES" (in this case not technically a "measure", more of a qualifier)
    • Login event counts: "LOGINS"
    • Multi-factor authentication event counts: "MFAS"
  • The 3rd keyword (or group of keywords) should point out the unique identifier(s). Examples:
    • If the login event counts are accumulated for each organization: "ORG"
    • If the multi-factor authentication event counts are accumulated for each combination of organization and authentication method: "ORG_METHOD"
  • The last keyword (if present) can indicate the temporality:
    • If the temporality type is "FIXED", we can omit it.
    • Otherwise for the other temporality types, choose one of: "ACCUM", "STATUS", "EVENT".

A complete example from the above could be "FEIDESTATS_LOGINS_ORG_METHOD_ACCUM". This Variable would thus refer to data that:

  • Comes from the Feide Statistics data source.
  • Measures login event counts.
  • Each measure is identified by an organization and a service provider.
  • The measures (login event counts) are accumulated over a given time period.

Measure variable data structure

Description of the measured column.

class MeasureVariable:
name: str
variableRole: str
label: str
dataType: str
keyType: KeyType
representedVariables: list[RepresentedVariable]


  • name: Must be equal to the name generated for the name field in the SingleVariableDataset data structure.
  • variableRole: describes the role of the variable, for measure variable it would be "Measure"
  • label: Human readable name (Label) of the measure column. This should be similar to the name. Example for PERSON_INNTEKT: "Person inntekt".
  • dataType: DataType for the values in the column. One of: ["STRING", "LONG", "DOUBLE", "DATE"]
  • representedVariables: List (though normally just one element) that describes more in detail what kind of data (the WHAT and the HOW) we can find. It's a combination of:
    • What: A characteristic of a population to be measured, and
    • How the measure will be represented
class RepresentedVariable:
description: Description
validPeriod: ValidPeriod
valueDomain: ValueDomainDescribed | ValueDomainEnumerated

Fields within a Represented Variable:

  • description: Description of the column contents. Example: "Skattepliktig og skattefritt utbytte i... "
  • validPeriod: See definition below.
  • valueDomain: See definition below.

Valid period

A simple data structure that shows the beginning and end dates when the data is considered valid.

class ValidPeriod:
start: datetime
stop: datetime

Value domain

The Value Domain describes the set of permissible values of the data represented. Depending on the measure, this description can become quite complex. Hence we simplify it by having two possible types of Value Domain:

  • Described Value Domain: When the possibilities are either infinite or just too many to manage (think of the list of all the National IDs or phone numbers, for example), we settle for a verbal description of the values.
  • Enumerated Value Domain: When there is a manageable (finite list) of possible data values, we provide an enumeration of the possibilities, i.e. a list of Categories. An example could be a cardinal directions (north, south, east, west).

Below are the schemas for these two types of Value Domain.

For the Described Value Domain:

class ValueDomainDescribed:
uriDefinition: list[str]
description: Description | str
measurementType: str
measurementUnitDescription: str


  • description: A description of the domain. Example for the Variable "BRUTTO_INNTEKT": "Alle positive tall".
  • measurementUnitDescription: The metric for a measurement in terms of an official unit of measurement. Example: "Norske Kroner".
  • measurementType: The type of measure which groups a set of measurement units. One of: [CURRENCY, WEIGHT, LENGTH, HEIGHT, GEOGRAPHICAL]. Where the CURRENCY type would group "Norske Kroner", "US Dollar", "Euro", etc.
  • uriDefinition: Link(s) to external resource(s) describing the domain.

And for the Enumerated Value Domain:

class ValueDomainEnumerated:
uriDefinition: list[str]
codeList: list[Code]


  • codeList: A list of Categories for the domain, where each Category has a predefined Code assigned to it. Each of these Codes includes a description and validity period.
class Code:
categoryTitle: list[Description]
code: str
validPeriod: ValidPeriod

Examples of the two possible value domains

Described value domain (with description)

This example belongs to a Variable where the measure is a person's accumulated gross income:

"valueDomain": {
"uriDefinition": [],
"description": [{"languageCode": "no", "value": "Norske Kroner"}],
"measurementType": "CURRENCY",
"measurementUnitDescription": [{"languageCode": "no", "value": "Norske Kroner"}]
Enumerated value domain (with codeList)

The second example belongs to a Variable where the measure describes the sex of a person:

"valueDomain": {
"uriDefinition": [],
"codeList": [
"code": "1",
"categoryTitle": [
{"languageCode": "no", "value": "Mann"}
"validFrom": "1900-01-01"
"code": "2",
"categoryTitle": [
{"languageCode": "no", "value": "Kvinne"}
"validFrom": "1900-01-01"
"sentinelAndMissingValues": [
"code": "0",
"categoryTitle": [
{"languageCode": "no", "value": "Ukjent"}
"validFrom": "1900-01-01"

We expect all values in this dataset to be of either code "1" or "2", as this Variable only considers "Male" or "Female". But we also expect a code "0" to be present in the Variable, where it represents "Unknown". A row with "0" as measure is therefore not considered invalid.

Measure variables (with keyType)

Some of the Variables contain a keyType in the Measure Variable data structure as well. This is characteristic of Identifier Variables, as we'll see below, but sometimes we need a Variable which links together (relates) two Identifier Variables. (The equivalent concept in a relational database would be a Foreign Key).

As an example, let's say we have a Variable PERSON_MOR where the Identifier Variable field is a population of Unit Type "PERSON", and the Measure Variable is a population of Unit Type "PERSON". The measure here is representing the population's mothers.

The keyType data structure describes in detail the Unit Type for this Variable's identifier column. As explained, these are centrally defined to ensure consistency. Examples are: ORGANISASJON, TJENESTELEVERANDØR, FAMILIE, FORETAK, HUSHOLDNING, JOBB, KJORETOY, KOMMUNE, KURS, PERSON or VIRKSOMHET.

class KeyType:
description: Description | str
label: str
name: str

Then it may be defined like this:

  • keyType: In this case we would choose PERSON.
  • name: Human readable name (Label) of the measure column. This should be similar to the Variable's name. Example for PERSON_MOR: "Person mor".
  • description: Description of the column contents. Example: "Personens registrerte biologiske mor... "

Identifier variable data structure

This data structure describes the identifier columns.

The identifiers are always based on a Unit Type, which is used to describe a class or group of Units based on a single characteristic, but with no specification of time and geography.

They are needed so we can associate a Measure Variable with a Unit of Measure (or more than one in some cases). A Unit is centrally defined to make joining datasets across organizations possible.

Schema of an Identifier Variable:

class IdentifierVariable:
name: str
variableRole: str
label: str
dataType: str
format: str
keyType: KeyType
representedVariables: list[RepresentedVariable]

class KeyType:
description: Description | str
label: str
name: str


  • name: A single string in capital letters, consisting of the name of the identifier field for the datum (e.g PERSON_ID). Note that this would typically be equivalent to the original database table's primary key field.
  • variableRole: describes the role of the variable, for identifier variable it would be "Identifier"
  • label: Human readable name (Label) of the identifier column. This should be similar to the field name above (e.g. for PERSON_ID: "Person ID").
  • dataType: DataType for the values in the column. One of: ["STRING", "LONG", "DOUBLE", "DATE"]
  • representedVariables: Same as for the Measure Variable described before. A list (normally just one) that describes more in detail what kind of data we can find. It's a combination of:
    • A characteristic of a population to be measured, and
    • How the measure will be represented
  • The keyType data structure describes in detail the Unit Type for this Variable's identifier column. As explained, these are centrally defined to ensure consistency. Examples are: ORGANISASJON, TJENESTELEVERANDØR, FAMILIE, FORETAK, HUSHOLDNING, JOBB, KJORETOY, KOMMUNE, KURS, PERSON or VIRKSOMHET.

Possible Unit Types

In KUDAF you can use shared unit types or data source specific unit types.

The advantage of using shared unit types is that you will get relations with other data source's variables and therefore enable users creating joined and possibly more meaningful projection of data.

Shared Unit Types

To use shared unit types you have to implement an unit type from this list:

  • ORGANISASJON: Representation of an organization. Columns with this unit type should contain ORGNR. Columns with this unit type should contain ORGNR.
  • TJENESTELEVERANDØR: Representation of a service provider. Columns with this unit type should contain SPID.
  • PERSON: Representation of a person. Columns with this unit type should contain FNR.
  • FAMILIE: Representation of a family. Columns with this unit type should contain FNR.
  • FORETAK: Representation of a foretak. Columns with this unit type should contain ORGNR.
  • VIRKSOMHET: Representation of a virksomhet. Columns with this unit type should contain ORGNR.
  • HUSHOLDNING: Representation of a husholdning. Columns with this unit type should contain FNR.
  • JOBB: Representation of a job. Columns with this unit type should contain FNR_ORGNR. FNR belongs to the employee and ORGNR belongs to the employer.
  • KOMMUNE: Representation of a kommune. Columns with this unit type should contain a valid kommune number.
  • KURS: Representation of a course. Columns with this unit type should contain FNR_KURSID. Where FNR belongs to the participant and KURSID is the NUDB course id.
  • KJORETOY: Representation of a vehicle. Columns with this unit type should contain FNR_REGNR. Where FNR is the owner of the vehicle, and REGNR is the registration number for the vehicle.

If no current Unit Type fits your need, feel free to suggest a new Unit Type by contacting us.

Data source specific Unit Types

To use data source specific unit types you have to prefix your Unit Type's name with your data source identifier. For example:

  • The 1st keyword (before the first underscore) is a shortened alias from your data source identifier. For example:
    • Feide public API: "FEIDEAPI"
  • The 2nd keyword should be the name of the identifier field for the datum. For example:
    • Organization identifier: "ORGANISASJON"

A complete example from the above could be FEIDEAPI_ORGANISASJON

Attribute variables data structure

This data structure describes TEMPORAL attributes of this particular datum.

It is optional because not every datum has a relationship to time – the Event Period.

Hence, depending on the Temporality Type of the Variable:

  • For a FIXED temporality type Variable (i.e. time-invariant) we DO NOT include an Attribute Variable.
  • For an ACCUMULATED temporality type Variable we typically DO include TWO Attribute Variables: START and STOP. If only one is included, that would mean:
    • All data until the given stop time if only STOP is included, and since the earliest available data.
    • All data since the given start time if only START is included, and up until the latest available data.
  • For a STATUS temporality type Variable we always DO include TWO Attribute Variables: START and STOP, with THE SAME dates.
  • For an EVENT temporality type Variable we DO include ONE or TWO Attribute Variables, depending on how we want to characterize the Event in question. It could be: START and STOP dates/times, or INSTANT...

Schema of an Attribute Variable:

class AttributeVariable:
name: str
variableRole: str
label: str
dataType: str
representedVariables: list[RepresentedVariable]


  • name: A single string in capital letters.
  • variableRole: describes the role of the variable. E.g, for a start variable the role would be "Start", while stop would be "Stop"
  • label: Human readable name (Label). This should be similar to the field name above (e.g. for START: "Start").
  • dataType: DataType for the values in the column. One of: ["STRING", "LONG", "DOUBLE", "DATE", "INSTANT"]
  • representedVariables: Same as for the Measure Variable described before.

Below is an example of the Attribute Variables for an ACCUMULATED temporality type Variable:

"attributeVariables": [
"dataType": "Instant",
"label": "Stoppdato",
"name": "STOP",
"representedVariables": [
"description": {
"languageCode": "nb",
"value": "Stoppdato/sluttdato for hendelsen"
"validPeriod": {
"start": -25567,
"stop": 18993
"valueDomain": {
"description": "N/A",
"unitOfMeasure": "N/A"
"variableRole": "Stop"
"dataType": "Instant",
"label": "Startdato",
"name": "START",
"representedVariables": [
"description": {
"languageCode": "nb",
"value": "Startdato/måletidspunktet for hendelsen"
"validPeriod": {
"start": -25567,
"stop": 18993
"valueDomain": {
"description": "N/A",
"unitOfMeasure": "N/A"
"variableRole": "Start"